Setting up SSH on Ubuntu for GitHub accessHow to allow GitHub access to a Ubuntu instanceJan 21Jan 21
How to create a user on your Ubuntu instanceCreate users that have access to a Ubuntu instance with optional permissions and SSH capabilities.Jan 21Jan 21
Brew Install Java on MacA straightforward approach to setting up Java along with your java compilerJul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
Create your own Social Links Tree with React from scratch.Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Node.js with it installed on your machineMay 28, 2022May 28, 2022
M1 Mac: Combating “x86_64 architecture is required for this software.”(A Python 3.7 Example)Recently I was tasked with downloading an older version of python on my new Mac Mini, which has the M1 Chip. I’ll walk you through how I…Nov 1, 2021Nov 1, 2021
Step-by-step SSL for Node JS / Express ApplicationI assume you already have an Express server that looks something like this:Aug 3, 2021Aug 3, 2021